Home Urban Development: Income and Saving People's Daily (2003-07-30)

Income of Chinese urban residents continues to increase in the first half this year

( Abstract )

Chinese State Statistic Bureau released some figures on July 29. It states that in the first half this year the family income of the Chinese urban residents continued to keep the fast growth. Affected by the SARS epidemic situation, the consumption expense fluctuated greatly...

Statistics show that in the first half this year, the per capita available income of urban residents is RMB4,301, increasing 9.0% more than the same period last year. It also indicates that in the first half of 2003, the per capita consumption expense of the urban residents is RMB3,110, increasing 6.7% more than the same period last year. The characters are presented in two aspects...

In other subjects: Economy and Environment: Development Index
Environment Protection: Government Activities
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