Yangtze River Delta and north China plain monitoring networks began to construct Source: HuaSheng Monthly (Sep 19, 2003)
Chinese and American experts sum up experience on land planning and management Source: Guang Ming Daily (Sep 17, 2003)
The draft of the national geological work-planning compendium to initiate Source: People's Daily (Aug 31, 2003)
Short-term forecast on Chinese geological disaster and weather firstly issues Source: People's Daily (Jun 6, 2003)
13.2% of the territory of China becomes natural reserves Source: Guang Ming Daily (Feb 20, 2003)
To strengthen ecological protection in the mountain area of the central Hainan Source: People's Daily (Sep 23, 2002)
Defense line of soil conservation is established along West-East Gas Transfer Project Source: People's Daily (Sep 10, 2002)
Hukou Waterfalls of Yellow River is decided as the National Geological Park Source: People's Daily (Aug 23, 2002)
Beihai auctions firstly the right of sea use Source: Jinghua Times (May 30, 2002)
The area suffering from geological disasters increased this year Source: Guang Ming Daily (May 28, 2002)
Near 40 cities occurred the mining collapse disasters in China Source: HuaSheng Monthly (Apr 23, 2002)
China's land resource bulletin in 2001 Source: People's Daily (Apr 22, 2002)
Geological materials will be freely open to the society Source: People's Daily (Apr 6, 2002)
The survey of national land resources is finished Source: People's Daily (Nov 21, 2001)
Agreement on land renovation and sustainable utilization is signed Source: People's Daily (Sep 10, 2001)
Red brick is refused by municipal construction Source: Beijing Evening News (Jul 4, 2001)
The State Council issued information on strengthening the state-own land assets management Source: Guang Ming Daily (May 31, 2001)
The information on strengthening the state-own land asset management (full text) Source: People's Daily (May 31, 2001)
To change the abandoned land into ecological demonstrative project in Huaibei Source: Economic Daily (May 20, 2001)
Taking the resource saving as a major measure Source: Economic Daily (Feb 6, 2001)
The landmark of the ecological environment protection in China Source: Science and Technology Daily (Jan 16, 2001)
Spreading the cause of land resource into the 21st century Source: Territorial Resources News (Dec 25, 2000)
Recognizing grain, petroleum and water resources strengthens the work of land resources Source: Territorial Resources News (Dec 25, 2000)
To make a pledge for the new century Source: Territorial Resources News (Dec 25, 2000)
Biddings are invited for copper mineral prospecting in Tianshan Mountain Area Source: China Mining News (Dec 23, 2000)
Land tax of Beijing is collected 50 days ahead of time Source: Beijing Daily (Nov 25, 2000)
The destruction of forest resource in Fujian is not allowed to ignore Source: China News Service (Aug 24, 2000)
How to collocate the farm resources effectively? Source: Science and Technology Daily (Aug 1, 2000)
China starts her land resources science and technology No. 861 innovation Plan Source: Science and Technology Daily (Jul 10, 2000)
Large population with inadequate land resources characterizing China Source: Guang Ming Daily (Jun 26, 2000)