Oxfam Hong Kong is a member of Oxfam International and an independent development and relief agency based in Hong Kong working with poor and disadvantaged people in Asia and Africa. We are recruiting the following member to join us in our anti-poverty work:
Communications Officer China Unit (Stationed in Beijing on a 2-year contract basis)
The Communications Officer reports to the Communications Coordinator of China Unit, Oxfam Hong Kong and s/he is required to work together with the whole communications team and other teams of Oxfam to create and implement communication strategies and operation plan in China.
Job Duties:
- The Communications Officer is responsible for promoting brand recognition, positive profiling and public support for OHK and development work in China through internal and external activities. Supports on advocacy and marketing tasks should also be provided.
- S/he is responsible for liaison with academic institutions, NGOs, corporations and like-minded organizations and enhance their support on OHK and development work in China.
- S/he is responsible for promoting global citizenship and facilitating public participation among university students, youth and the general public in China.
- S/he is responsible for developing long-term strategy and policy on supporters, volunteers and internship to local, Hong Kong and overseas people for OHK in China, as well as providing funding and non-funding support for like-minded organizations to develop, plan and implement related projects in China.
- S/he is responsible for organizing public events and educational activities for OHK in China, as well as promoting relevant experiences and appropriate materials through media and publications in China.
- S/he should fulfill other communication related tasks being assigned by OHK whether in China, Hong Kong and other countries.
- Frequent travels are required for the position.
The successful candidate MUST meet the following requirements:
- Identification with the values of OHK and basic knowledge about the NGO field in China;
- At least 3 years of working experiences in China NGOs or related organizations;
- A degree in social work or related social science subjects is an advantage;
- Strategic thinking and analytical skills;
- Excellency in written and spoken Chinese;
- Proficiency in written and spoken English;
- Strong ability of interpersonal communications;
- Work as a team player;
- Computer knowledge in Chinese word processing;
- Ability to travel frequently as required
No expatriate package will be provided for the position
Closing date for applications: 13 March 2006
Please send your application, CV with expected salary and available date to the Human Resource Manager, Oxfam Hong Kong, 17/F., China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point, Hong Kong or by email to [email protected]. (Applicants who are not invited for interview within one month after the closing date may consider their applications unsuccessful.)
All information provided will only be used for recruitment related purpose.